the Sims!
the makers of SimCity, there is a new game for the
new millennium. It is The Sims! Just as you can build
cities in SimCity, you can build families in The Sims
game. You can select their skills, personalities,
and even determine what they look like through "skins"
that can be applied. You can make them function together
as a wonderful part of a neighborhood in the burbs
or you can make them be as dysfunctional as you desire.
why would this game be of interest to watersports
lovers? Well, in addition to looking after their social
needs, food, sleep, play, etc., you also need to be
concerned about how full their bladders are! No, I
am not teasing, this is for real!
normal play, the Sims will use a toilet as long as
one is provided in the house that you build without
your instructions. In fact, the game designers have
made each Sim so that their figure is pixelated withever
they use the toilet. No X-rated content here! However,
you can confine your Sim so the man or the woman can't
get to the toilet. Or you can keep your Sim involved
with some other task all the time so they can't go
to the toilet when their bladder is full. You will
watch them frantically request to go to the toilet
through "thought bubbles" above their heads
and finally get so desperate they do a little peepee
dance and then wet their pants with sounds of frantic
desperation coming from your computer's speakers!
you are determined enough, you can even get your Sims
to be do depressed and dysfunctional that they will
even wet their pants without being occupied with other
activities or confined. If you think this sounds very
sadistic, well, it is. Yet there must be something
sadistic about many of the people who play this game
because the most frequently downloaded family skins
from The Sims Web site is "The Sadistic Family"
where they burn each other up in a twisted plot of
don't have to abuse your Sims too much! Just get them
to make out with a Sim of the opposite sex (or even
the same sex) and while hugging and kissing, they
will get desperate enough to wet their pants -- all
good, clean, watersports fun!
This Gallery page has been created with the hope that
people might create interesting looking Sims who wet
their pants! If you do, send me the captured pic of
the wetting and I will post it here. Game screens
are easy to capture, just press the "Print Scrn"
key on your PC keyboard. It won't actually print the
screen unless you are still running DOS. Windows will
save the capture to your clipboard and from there
you can insert it in any graphics program and save
it. Mac users can save their screen by holding command
(the open Apple key) and Shift and then press 3 which
will save a PICT file on the root level of the hard
drive. You can also save pics of various sized right
from within the game.
is an example of a woman getting so desperate she
wet her pants:

Click on the pic
for a larger image
send me your wet Sims and let's create another Gallery
page! And if clothed wet Sims aren't interesting enough
for you, there is a patch to remove the Sims' clothes
that you can apply to your game.
following examples show what visitors to Patches'
Place have gotten their Sims to do:
computer graphics program such as Poser can also make
human figures who wet their pants and it has higher
resolution than the pics which can be captured from
the Sims game. Here is one example sent to us by a
